Note to Hypertot

| July 24, 2008

Convention holds that the “magic word” is please, not abracadabra. Really.

Note to Hypertot

| May 17, 2008

Honeybunch, you are indeed “allowed” to go to your room, and I suggest you go when told, regardless of your misconception. No, sending you there doesn’t make Daddy a bad person, nor a bank robber, as you so eloquently stated, and I seriously doubt he’s going to go to jail as a result. But nice […]

Note to Hypertot

| May 1, 2008

I think it’s great that you learned how to make your own peanut butter sandwiches; but do you think you could use a butter knife, instead of a plastic toy dagger?

Count ’em

| May 13, 2004

I just thought I’d share with you the haiku my son wrote. Five syllable lineLine with seven syllablesFive syllable line That’s just the kind of humor he has. If you find it amusing, you might check out his blog. And now we return you to your regularly scheduled blogger.

David Nathan

| April 3, 2004

I guess you gotta be careful whom you believe on April Fools Day, and whom you let have your blog password! Dear, sweet hubbie… loveable yet unmanageable prankster… was delighted that our David Nathan was born on April Fools Day. So excited, in fact, that he began calling family members while I slept after childbirth. […]

He’s Here!

| April 1, 2004

Born after 33 hours of labor, at 12:45 this afternoon. After wrangling for weeks over names, we finally settled on David Jessica. He was 20 inches and weighed 14 lb. 8 oz. Should have been named “Ouch!” Thanks for the prayers!