Permanent Marker on Computer Monitor

| December 18, 2008

What do you do when you realize that a Monkeytot has written on your LCD (or other kind of) screen with permanent marker? You ask Artgal. And Artgal promptly tells you to use a dry erase marker to clean it. And it works. One caution: use Heloise’s advice, and wipe into the mark, not out […]

Simple Woman Daybook

| August 15, 2008

For August 15, 2008 I’ve seen these several places, and decided to look into it. Here‘s where it began, and I rather like the idea. Please feel free, readers, to join in. Outside My Window… A riot of pumpkin plants. I didn’t actually plant them, but they grew from compost; now we have most of […]

How Praying the Office Makes My House Pretty

| March 6, 2007

Some people do Fly Lady with great results. Some people are just naturally neat and organized. I pray the office. And you should see what it’s done to my home. As a Carmelite Secular, I’m supposed to pray the office, but I’ve never been as good at it as I should be. But lately I’ve […]