Please Don’t Promise Me a Cheap Fling

| February 18, 2010

Brittany Rotating Corpse found a gem of a Hallmark book-card. It’s from the 70’s, a fact that becomes obvious both by the cheesy mustache and the thoughts expressed. It’s title? Please Don’t Promise Me Forever. Evidently it stood for all the deepest thoughts of the post-sexual revolution era. Commitment only dampens love, and as long […]

Marry Well!

| December 30, 2008

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I hope you’ll bear with me for a moment while I pat myself on the back. I married one of the kindest, smartest, funnest, manliest, and most fertile men I have ever met. And despite three well-rehearsed “You! You did this to me!”s, […]

The Man Meme

| October 17, 2007

Hijacked from Christine at Domestic Vocation. 1. Who is your man? Joel 2. How long have you been together? We’ve been married almost 5 years (December 30) 3. How long did you date? 1 year 9 1/2 months 4. How old is your man? 39 5. Who eats more? Usually me, the knocked up one. […]

Happy Valentines Day

| February 14, 2007

to the man whose ring I wear. Thanks to msog, who posted this image to Deviant Art.

Time to Hitch that Horse to a Carriage?

| February 13, 2007

A quiz for the ladies You love him. And you remember how the song goes… “Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage.” You’re at “that” point, and it’s time to consider what you’ll say if he pops the question. Or maybe he’s already popped it, and you haven’t answered. Even if you’ve […]

Love is More than Three Words

| April 12, 2006

As I recover from childbirth, I offer a guest post from my daughter, Shannon. Love is More than Three Words As a teenager and high school student, you can bet that I hear the words “I love you” thrown around a lot. For a teenager to say “I love you” is just as normal as […]

How the Bundys Saved Our Marriage

| December 1, 2005

OK, they didn’t really. We already had a good marriage, and in fact I’m not terribly fond of “Married with Children.” That’s where it all began. You see, My Charming and Patient Husband loves the show, whereas I can tolerate it in small doses. His favorite episode is the one he calls his “birthday episode,” […]

One Wedding and a Funeral

| July 11, 2005

Last week, my husband and I went to the funeral of our next door neighbor, Mrs. Rhoads. She was a very kind lady of 91, who had worked out three times a week at the health club, and never complained. To give you an idea of the sort of woman she was, about two months […]

The Most Romantic Time of the Year

| December 30, 2004

It’s that time of year again: the time when I wax self-righteous over the wisest decision I ever made… the time when I become one of those obnoxious givers of romantic advice. Yes, it is my anniversary, and I’m full of gooey romanticism, warm thankfulness, and solid insights about what it takes to make a […]

She Has Hi-i-igh Hopes…

| February 14, 2004

This is primarily for the ladies, but gents please feel free to read on. What I want to talk to you about today is standards. Particularly for those of you who are not in a permanent relationship, I hope to share some insights about what to look for in a man. It can be hard […]