prayers for my dad

| April 13, 2009

Please pray for my dad’s health. His name is Ron. He was just scheduled for surgery to remove a kidney cyst and a solid mass on the kidney that they believe to be cancer. If so, this is his third cancer, in addition to having had open heart surgery not so long ago.

Update on Curtain Climber

| January 6, 2009

He’s doing well, healing remarkably quickly. He doesn’t act like he’s in pain except occasionally. Thank you all for the prayers. I know that they have helped a LOT.

Prayers for Curtain Climber

| January 3, 2009

Please pray for our Curtain Climber (aka Hot Stuff). He just spent the afternoon in the emergency room after grabbing a mug of hot cocoa and spilling it down his front. He’s not in any danger, except for infection, but he has a lot of pain from second degree burns. He’s currently sleeping through morphine, […]

Carmelite Final Promises

| December 18, 2008

You may have noticed I’ve been more absent than usual recently. I’m trying, in addition to holiday cleaning, to prepare spiritually for OCDS Final Promises. For those who don’t know, OCDS refers to the Secular branch of the Order of Carmelites, Discalced. A secular, sometimes referred to as “Third Order,” is a member of a […]

Update on Oldest Daughter

| September 18, 2008

I’m sorry I didn’t update sooner, but I figured those who really wanted to know either had already been informed (family) or had read the news on the blog of my Charming and Patient Husband. But for anyone who may have been missed by these two methods, I wanted to let you know that Firstborn […]

Prayers and news

| September 11, 2008

Just a quick prayer request for Oldest Daughter. Tomorrow she’s having labor induced. Please pray that everything goes well, and that it’s not too difficult. They’re also moving household, so please pray that the baby’s dad is able to be there when she gives birth.

Prayers for Pat

| April 30, 2008

Please pray for the repose of Pat, a lady from my parish who was a truly incredible lady. She was a dynamic leader, a wise Christian, a friend to all, and an inspiration to the parish. She will be so very sorely missed. Please pray, also, for her family’s consolation.


| August 25, 2007

No, not mine. My Charming and Patient Husband continues to sweep me off my feet. What I want to ask is for prayers for people who are going through divorce. I know that divorce is a lamentable and destructive thing. I know that it hurts families and that many people view it far too lightly; […]

Doctors and Lab Tests and Sonograms, Oh My!

| August 6, 2007

Well, last week was stressful, and this week promises to be at least as much so. I took the triple screen last week, which I do know has a possibility of false positives. It came out showing higher than usual odds of my baby having Down Syndrome, so tomorrow I’m scheduled for a level II […]

Urgent prayers

| July 31, 2007

I think I’m about to get some crushing financial news, and if I’m correct it will mean losing our home. Not only that, but we will not be able to afford any other home, purchase or rental, and will be on the streets. Please, please pray. update: Evidently you did. I won’t go into the […]