Go Tell Aunt Rhodie

| July 25, 2020

The old grey goose is dead. What’s more is that we know how she died: in the milk pond, standing on her head. We know this because the song gave us a visual image. I was in kindergarten when I got the gruesome details of the pitiful death of a goose. Every single day I […]

Inquiring Young Minds Want to Know

| March 10, 2010

Hyperlad is one of the most inquisitive five-almost-six year olds I’ve ever known. He asks some very interesting questions, so I thought I’d answer a set of them right here. Yes, everyone dies. That’s right, you won’t get hurt in heaven. God makes them, with help from Mommy and Daddy. No, I don’t really want […]

Wubba Sesame

| November 4, 2009

In the spirit of Christine the Soccer Mom, and My Charming and Patient Husband, I will celebrate Sesame Street’s birthday by posting a couple of my favorite clips. I guess you could say I have a soft spot for the big cast all star numbers. I still miss Kermit, though. And I chuckle to myself […]

A Curtain Climber by Any Other Name

| April 20, 2009

I’ve been thinking about names for Curtain Climber, and have wondered if we should come up with a new name for him. So far, we’ve thought of: Rocker Climber Counter Climber Table Climber Cabinet Climber Computer Monitor Climber Television Climber Mom Climber All in all, I’m not convinced any other name would make much of […]

Marry Well!

| December 30, 2008

Today marks the sixth anniversary of the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I hope you’ll bear with me for a moment while I pat myself on the back. I married one of the kindest, smartest, funnest, manliest, and most fertile men I have ever met. And despite three well-rehearsed “You! You did this to me!”s, […]

Note to Monkeytot

| November 22, 2008

Remember when I said you couldn’t put a bandage in your nose? I’m sorry, but you can’t put one in your mouth, either. It just won’t work.

Define "Slow Learner."

| October 27, 2008

Is it a person who has multiple children? Only if the children were a mistake. Ergo, no. Maybe the slow learner is the one who has a blessing… or is fortunate enough to have multiple blessings and still thinks only a slow learner would want to be so blessed. Oooh, people who assume that children […]

Note to Monkeytot

| October 23, 2008

I don’t think you’ll have much success slicing the cheddar cheese with a plastic wrench. Sorry. And no, you may not grab a sharp knife to do it with instead. And NO, the hunk is not for biting directly into.

Note to Hypertot

| July 24, 2008

Convention holds that the “magic word” is please, not abracadabra. Really.

Detachment Parenting

| July 5, 2008

I have a twelve-year-old daughter who is a firm believer in Attachment Parenting. She reserves the right to hold the household baby at any time that a) she wants to, or b) there is something else I want her to do. If neither of those circumstances exists, it is her responsibility to make absolutely sure […]