The Allure of Magazines: A dozen quality reads

| March 18, 2010

Today I got a reminder that it’s time to resubscribe to Allure Magazine, along with the current issue. The only problem with that is that I am not a subscriber. In fact, this is the first time that particular magazine has ever crossed my threshold. Now, I don’t know much about t he magazine, so […]

Might I suggest a New Years resolution?

| December 31, 2008

If you do nothing else for yourself, make a commitment to work toward getting out of debt. If you don’t know how to do it on your own, I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s help. We’re just getting started with The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness, and for the first time in […]

Phonics Resources

| November 24, 2008

As some of you know, we are teaching our four year old to read. Now, he’s a very bright child, but he is also hyperactive, and sometimes has a hard time sitting still long enough to really learn. He also has an extremely literal language style, so sometimes we need to approach a subject from […]

Book Facts Meme

| November 23, 2008

The woman known to My Charming and Patient Husband and myself as Aunt Betsy, and to most of the Blogosphere as Ms. Kitty tagged us both with this one. As usual, nobody but nobody is faster to jump on a book subject than Joel … I think he may be considering legally adding “Bookworm” as […]

Simple Woman Daybook

| August 15, 2008

For August 15, 2008 I’ve seen these several places, and decided to look into it. Here‘s where it began, and I rather like the idea. Please feel free, readers, to join in. Outside My Window… A riot of pumpkin plants. I didn’t actually plant them, but they grew from compost; now we have most of […]

A Reason for Reading

| February 25, 2008

Ok, I have a confession to make: I haven’t been blogging much lately. I’m averaging 6 hours of sleep a night for the past six weeks, and spending most of the rest of my time holding a baby, nursing, directing housework and schoolwork (or attempting to do so), and trying to catch up on the […]

Book Meme

| August 20, 2007

Joel tagged whoever, so I took it. What are you reading right now?Don’t Know Much about History, Schindler’s List, The Well-Trained Mind. Just finished Madeleine Takes Command today. Do you have any idea what you’ll read when you’re done with that?My Charming and Patient Husband would like me to read Peter Beagle’s A Fine and […]

Dear Old Golden Rule Days

| August 9, 2007

Well, that time is upon us again, mid-August: back to school sales, curriculum planning, trying to get kids back into the habit of sleeping at night and waking up during the day. And with it comes my latest Short Stack recommendation: The Well-Trained Mind, by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. I started reading it […]

Short Stack

| July 25, 2007

Let’s face it: I’m not very good about keeping up with changing the sidebar. The book list looks stagnant. So, for that matter, does my posting history lately. Time, I guess, to correct both items at once, and post about the books instead of listing them in a sidebar. The Story of the Trapp Family […]

The Library and the Bookstack

| June 1, 2007

I know bloggers: both the readers and the writers tend to be book people. “Other” people have a bookshelf, maybe a bookcase. Book people run out of wall space for their bookcases. They have a basket of books and magazines on the back of the toilet, and a short stack of books lying on the […]