Inquiring Young Minds Want to Know

| March 10, 2010

Hyperlad is one of the most inquisitive five-almost-six year olds I’ve ever known. He asks some very interesting questions, so I thought I’d answer a set of them right here. Yes, everyone dies. That’s right, you won’t get hurt in heaven. God makes them, with help from Mommy and Daddy. No, I don’t really want […]

Note to hyperlad

| July 25, 2009

I can’t think of any circumstance under which one should wear a toilet seat on one’s head. The fact that you say you “can’t believe it!” doesn’t really change that.

Heard around the house

| March 24, 2009

Artgal (reading from an Ungame card): When do you most feel God’s presence? Hypertot: On Christmas. I love getting God’s presents for Christmas!

A Faith without Buzzwords

| March 20, 2009

The other evening, Hypertot and I were saying evening prayers, when he contributed this: “God, if our whole family dies, please take our whole family to live with you.”

Heard around the house

| January 10, 2009

Hypertot: Daddy, Daddy! Curtain Climber’s on the table!Daddy: Ok, I’m coming.Hypertot: No, it’s not ok! Curtain Climber’s on the table! Ah, the little literalist.

Permanent Marker on Computer Monitor

| December 18, 2008

What do you do when you realize that a Monkeytot has written on your LCD (or other kind of) screen with permanent marker? You ask Artgal. And Artgal promptly tells you to use a dry erase marker to clean it. And it works. One caution: use Heloise’s advice, and wipe into the mark, not out […]

Note to Hypertot

| November 24, 2008

I don’t care how much you like or dislike bar soap. You can’t wash your hands with toothpaste.

Note to Monkeytot

| November 22, 2008

Remember when I said you couldn’t put a bandage in your nose? I’m sorry, but you can’t put one in your mouth, either. It just won’t work.

Note to Monkeytot

| November 15, 2008

No, you can’t put a bandage in your nose, even if it is bleeding.

Note to Monkeytot

| November 4, 2008

While I appreciate your generosity with the baby, I wish you would stop feeding him. Snickers bars and horseradish stroganoff are really not ideal baby foods.