Little Thoughts about a Big God

| February 23, 2010

I think justice is overrated. If God were completely just, I’d go to hell. I have every reason to be grateful for mercy. Sunday is the Lord’s day. Do we ever stop and ask ourselves why? It is because every Sunday is a feast day — the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord. How […]

A short Bible reflection on suffering

| September 11, 2009

Monday’s reading this week was interesting. In it, we see the value of redemptive suffering. Col 1:24–2:3 Brothers and sisters: I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his Body, which is the Church, of which […]

Ten Cents Worth

| September 9, 2009

1. The most important words in the English language are please, thanks, and sorry. If you can learn to use them regularly, your life will go more smoothly, you’ll have less need to make excuses, and people will like you better. Use them, and mean them. 2. Christians: when sharing your faith, ask yourself what […]

Worth pondering

| August 11, 2009

A lot of people who can’t accept the idea of infallibility are really only opposed to the idea that someone besides themselves might be infallible.


| August 1, 2009

Do not fear. He loves you, and He will not go away merely because you fear that He will abandon you. He will not go away because, in your fear, you wish He would. He will be there for you always. Test it: pray.

Football Is My Life

| March 20, 2009

No, not really. Actually, that’s a phrase that just conjures up old memories. When my nephew was first learning to talk, his dad decided that his first sentence would be “Football is my life.” I don’t know if it actually was or not (though I somewhat doubt it.) But the fact is, football is most […]

The Reason for the Season

| January 18, 2009

It’s a phrase you didn’t expect to hear again for a while, isn’t it? We heard it again and again during Advent, and possibly even during Christmas season (for those non-Catholics here, I’m referring to the time between Christmas day — the Feast of the Nativity — and the Epiphany). And then, somewhere along the […]

Catechism Highlights

| October 9, 2008

Some teaching worth reflecting upon as those of us in the United States prepare to vote: 1867 The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are “sins that cry to heaven”: the blood of Abel,[139] the sin of the Sodomites,[140] the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt,[141] the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and […]

Why Politics Makes Me Hurt

| August 24, 2008

Many people today put their political labels on such a pedestal that even the “compassionate” learn to harden themselves and even the logical learn not to think for themselves. It doesn’t matter whether you are conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, if you let your political persuasion decide your views for you, then you have […]

Daily Bread

| August 2, 2008

A thought:How often do I say “Give us this day our daily bread”?How often do I go to daily Mass and receive Communion? Hm. Maybe I need to work on that.