10 Reasons for Having a Big Family

| March 24, 2017

My feelings about my family are in no way a statement about smaller families. Everyone has reasons for the ways their lives form, some of them by choice and some of them not by choice. Nevertheless, having a big family as worked out to be a very good choice for us. Here are 10 reasons. […]

God of the Universe

| October 9, 2014

I read this post today about the size of “space” and I really think it’s worth sharing. Go ahead, click on it and go read it. I’ll wait. There. Aren’t you glad you took the time? Here’s the thing: there may be many perspectives on the size of the earth, relative to the rest of space; […]

Autism Awareness Day

| April 2, 2014

It seems ironic to me, to say the least, that we received Monkey’s evaluation report with formal diagnosis an hour and a half before the beginning of Autism Awareness day. While we’ve been pretty sure about this diagnosis for 2 years now, it’s a tremendous relief to have validation. Today is also the day of […]

Guilt Free Dipping Snack

| January 3, 2014

I don’t usually do pictorial foodie posts, and when you see my photos you will understand why. But I’m so pleased with my latest snackie I couldn’t resist sharing. Inspired by the bread and oil/vinegar dips I’ve seen in restaurants, I came up with a variation that eliminates the wasteful carbs and adds health benefits, […]

Note to Monkeytot

| December 23, 2013

Taping a caster wheel to a razor with masking tape does not constitute “making a present.”

Diagnosis Matters: Some words to practitioners for when autism is suspected

| December 4, 2013

As I think about the issues we’ve encountered with school and two of my kids, I can’t help but remember our family doctor’s responses to Hyperlad. At age 2 and again at age 3, he told us that nothing was wrong. Since then I’ve had other health and educational professionals refuse to use the word […]

Culture of Death Hits the Autism Community

| October 14, 2013

For those who haven’t heard about it, I’m talking about the Issy Stapleton case. It seems like everyone has a response, and here’s mine. The situation, in a very abbreviated nutshell, is this: Kelli, the mom, got hit with the refusal of her daughter Issy’s  school to provide services to Issy after she exited a […]

Arguing with ghosts

| October 11, 2013

There are times when you have a conversation that sticks with you for months, even years. When you know you will spend countless hours stewing over what was said, what was not said, and what should have been said.  A year and a half ago I had such a conversation with a woman who said […]

The Adventures of My Belly Button…

| June 2, 2013

… or please forgive me if I engage in navel gazing. I’ve been fairly quiet lately, and have probably bored away those few who followed Carmel Sundae. I would apologize for that, except that it may have been a favor, since I’m not sure I was accomplishing anything in the last year or two, anyway. […]


| April 13, 2013

If Bible alone were sufficient, Joel Osteen and Ted Dekker would not have careers. We would never have heard of C. S. Lewis or John Bunyan. Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Jan Huss would not have had any reason to start new denominations, let alone branches that have different beliefs from one another. But all […]