10 Things I Want My Kids to Know

| November 30, 2012

1. “Skip a few” is not a counting number. 2. Don’t hold the cat’s hind legs in the air while he eats. 3. Change your socks before someone comments on the odor.. 4. Cats don’t like to wear hats. 5. It’s difficult to be accidentally rude when calling an adult “sir” or “ma’am.” 6. Cats […]

How to Treat a Democrat’s “Lady” Parts.

| November 7, 2012

I’d love to point you to this article at Egregious Twaddle, about this article at HuffPo, and just say “Enough said,” but I can’t help myself. The comment box says things like “I woke up this morning and didn’t find a republican in my vagina.” I take it not having a republican in her vagina […]