Whiteboard Idea

Posted By on October 31, 2008

I get these bees in my bonnet. When we’re lucky, they’re inexpensive or they pass. Today, it’s a moneysaving idea, and I’m looking forward to implementing it as soon as I get a chance to get out of the house. It’s a personal whiteboard for each kid old enough to read.

If you homeschool, you probably do whiteboards, too. Or if you have a big family, with kids who keep different schedules. Or if you’re looking for the perfect housekeeping “method” or chore chart. Today’s idea is simple. I go to Dollar Tree and buy some inexpensive frames that are hangable. If they don’t have hangable ones, I’ll buy a picture hanging kit there, too. We’re looking at maybe three bucks. I slip a thick piece of white paper or card stock into each one, and I hang them. Instapresto, white boards. They won’t stain like the ever popular tileboard (the stuff they make shower walls from) or those shiny cardboard signs. They can be washed, and it won’t ruin them. And they already come with a frame and ready to hang. One for each person, so I can write down chores when I think of them, or take phone notes, or whatever is needed. And they’ll be a whole lot more attractive than most commercial whiteboards that cost more. Dollar Tree usually has whiteboard markers, too.

Feel free to copy the idea or pass it on.


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