Grinding One’s Axe on the Child

Posted By on March 3, 2008

That’s what I strongly believe is going on with the child mentioned here. Specifically, a second grader has announced that he’s transgendered, with his family’s support, and the school is obliged to support him in the decision.

So, where does an eight year old get a word like “transgender”? Where does a child that age get the concept that he isn’t really the person he sees in the mirror? Even if it were true, it isn’t an issue a second grader would be able to put into words.

That is, unless his parents jumped on the idea.

I could see a kid that age putting on Mommy’s high heels and traipsing around the house saying “I’m a woman!” I’ve seen younger kids than that do it, because every child toys with the idea of pretending to be various role models. Every child I’ve ever known, by age two, tries on both Mommy’s and Daddy’s shoes… and big brother’s, and aunt’s… and any big person in his life. That is how they explore the idea that they will be big one day themselves. So, when a second grader comes up with the idea that it isn’t fair that Sister has prettier clothes than he has, or wants to be just like Mommy when he grows up, it’s not terribly surprising.

What is surprising is a parent who is so eager to display his axe to grind that when Kiddo says “I wish I could wear dresses like Mommy does,” says “Woohoo, we have a transgender kid! Isn’t it great? Now we can make our point to the world!!”

So now a kid who had an appreciation for gingham is suddenly assigned a lifetime of wearing girl’s clothing and thinking daily about his own sexuality from this day forward. By age eleven, he will be deciding with whom to have sex. By age eighteen, he will likely commit suicide. The article doesn’t mention that: that the majority of transgender people commit suicide.

But it’s worth it, because it allows Mommy’s and Daddy’s soap box to be big and visible. Who gives a damn what it does to the child?

Anything for politics. Anything for politics. Anything for politics. Keep repeating that until you convince yourself that the child is less important than the issue.


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