Heard around the house

Posted By on June 28, 2009

Monkeytot: I want rice.

Dad: We don’t have any rice made.

Monkeytot: We do have rice made.

Dad: The sun rises in the east.

Monkeytot: No it isn’t.


4 Responses to “Heard around the house”

  1. Amanda says:

    I love this! I remember having similar conversations with my oldest when he was a toddler. My husband began answering the question “Why?” with things like, “As the earth spins on its axis, it is slightly tilted. Countries nearest to the equator are very hot, while areas on the poles are very cold and uninhabited.” Toddler would look up with saucer eyes and say, “Ohhhhhh.”

    Amanda’s last blog post..I am…

  2. Lisa Ham says:

    LOL. Or, more accurately, snickering on the couch and avoiding eye contact with the three other people in the room so I don’t have to share the funny.

  3. Lisa Ham says:

    Okay, I shared. Couldn’t help it. Too funny. I remember my sisters at that age. 🙂

  4. Erika says:

    So funny! It sounds like my husband’s tactic, too. Love that masculine sense of humor!

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