The Central Question about Abortion

Posted By on July 4, 2009

The thing I think we sometimes forget is that people are human beings, not just causes or issues. I know our nation has forgotten that when it comes to abortion. Abortion has become a political platform, a women’s issue, or a crusading cause. People forget to ask themselves the simple, basic, obvious question: how should we treat vulnerable human beings?

If we have any kindness, any humanity in us, we need to ask not what side of the issue validates our political leanings, but what is the kind and compassionate thing to do to a tiny person.

It’s time to stop treating people like mere cogs in our political ideologies.


One Response to “The Central Question about Abortion”

  1. Amanda says:

    “…how should we treat vulnerable human beings?”

    In order to ask that question, you have to admit that there is a vulnerable human being at stake. No matter how much evidence is provided, there will always be people who refuse to acknowledge the life inside the womb, and as far as they’re concerned, the only vulnerable human in need of compassion is the mother. I remember Mother Angelica saying: “For the faithless, no proof is sufficient; for the faithful, none is necessary.” No matter how many scientific advances or logical arguments are made to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a fetus is human. Not to say we should give up, of course.

    Amanda’s last blog post..Independence Day

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