Organization: my addiction of choice

| December 31, 2010

I’ll admit it: I’m a time management and organization junkie. I can’t resist a nice, indulgent Lifehacker session. I’ve been known to do weird searches there for fun. Recently, for example, I did a search for “lists” and found an interesting looking piece of webware called Workflowy. Will I use it in the long run? […]

Urgent Prayer Request

| December 26, 2010

Please offer emergency prayers for baby Marcus. He’s hospitalized with RSV and getting worse.

Note to Hyperlad

| December 22, 2010

Directv and Directory Assistance are not the same thing. You cannot add services to Directv by calling Directory Assistance. Even if you called Directv, they would not let you add services. And, by the way, calling Directory Assistance costs $1.25. Every. Single. Time.

A Time to Heal

| November 28, 2010

One of the hardest things for a child to get over is when their God image hurts them. We all have images of God… the father or mother who represents goodness to us; the aunt or uncle who teaches us about God and seems like His voice to us; the authority figure, the early figure […]

Vocabulary lesson

| November 20, 2010

I think one of the biggest sources of unhappiness in the world is that we don’t know what happiness is. I think that, in order to be happy, we must know what happiness isn’t. Pleasure isn’t happiness. Pleasure may be fun, may be enjoyable, and may even at times come with fulfilling results. But it […]

Simplify Laundry

| August 26, 2010

It was both a relief and a frustrating when I heard someone refer to a spot in their home as “Laundry Mountain.” A relief to know that someone else has the same term, and that I am not alone in the struggle; but a definite frustration to think that this struggle may be truly universal. […]

The Price of Trash

| August 25, 2010

I was reading an article in an old issue of Readers Digest (July 1995) called “The Recycling Myth.” The article asserted that the shortage of landfill space is a myth, and that recycling is more expensive than dumping. Both the cost and the space need are improved by newer methods of landfill management, specifically piling  […]

Are You Ready for a Credit Card?

| August 20, 2010

The lure of buying without paying can be heady. But not everyone is cut out for a credit card. Take this simple quiz to see if you are one of the few who is. Are you willing to pay $700 for a $300 vacation? Do you feel good about being beholden to people who despise […]

Note to Curtain Climber

| August 4, 2010

“Buh-nandoop” is not a generally accepted replacement for the word “banana.” And while we’re at it, “dee doop” is not another way of saying “thank you”. “Mdup” does not mean “milk,” and even if you said “soda” instead of “dodup” I probably wouldn’t give you any. You’re cute, kid. Very cute. But I gotta say, […]

Don’t Tell Me There’s Nothing to Tell

| August 2, 2010

Cooties Alert: men, if you’re squeamish, you might want to look away. This is pure woman stuff. I bought the book because its title was clever, but also because it echoed what I keep saying: Is it hot in here? Or is it me? Subtitled The Complete Guide to Menopause, it seemed like the right […]